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Cloud Club was formed in 1940 and produced many black aviators. Fred Pitcher was one graduate that had a successful career as an airline pilot. He learned to fly at Croom during the years 1953-54, and went on to become a captain with Western Airlines.
Fred Pitcher's story is the legacy of impact we have inherited and continue in our endeavor to inspire the youth and train future pilots of color.
Number of Students Supported in Middle and High School STEM Partnerships for Introductory Flights, Ground School and Flight Training
CTC has had an unwavering commitment to STEM education and outreach, particularly in communities of color. Since 2010 we have engaged ~300 middle and high school students. Flight training for both adult and high school students has seen on average an increase in number of flights and flight hours. These efforts are augmented by several other STEM-related efforts that broaden exposure and inspire young people to pursue careers in aviation, aerospace and broadly the sciences.
Programs and Initiatives
This is an exciting time for humanity. It is embarking on ever more ambitious enterprises to expand our presence throughout the earth’s atmosphere, low-earth orbit and beyond. All environments above the earth’s surface are a continuum from earth’s atmosphere into the depths of space. Opportunities across aerospace and aviation disciplines are numerous and beyond simply creating “pilots” to fly commercial airlines. We understand that there is an emerging economy across these domains above the earth’s surface that includes high-altitude observations, low-earth-orbit services utilizing distributed small satellite systems for earth observations, space-based power generation and transfer, telecommunications and CIS-lunar command and control.
Columbia Training Centers endeavors to deploy capacity building strategies to incubate underrepresented individuals to intersect these opportunity spaces. We achieve this by using the combination of flight training, aviation exposure and STEM-focused programming to enhance representation in the aerospace and aviation work force.
Below is a highlight of some of our existing initiatives. We are in process of developing other new exciting STEM opportunities across the aviation-aerospace continuum. Inquire for more details.
Icarus Project will create aviation and aerospace focused clubs in local High Schools to foster exposure to flight, provide technical instruction for credit and incubate future professionals
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Hover is a drone piloting and certification program designed to provide drone piloting, mission planning skills as well as prepartion for the certification exam.
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GA-TM: General Aviation Observatory for Terrestrial Monitoring
Leverage private and commercial GA fleet acquire distributed earth surface observations that will provide scientist and resource managers with data and be used as STEM platform
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Bridge is an ambitious program to utilize CTC as the primary flight training apparatus for local HBCUs and community colleges that want to offer aviation degree programs
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